
Extinguish - J.M. Darhower I am a big fan of J.M. Darhower's writing, but until recently I had never read her paranormal books. In my opinion, this book is another win. Extinguish is a view of the battle between Heaven and Hell. Neither is exactly what one would expect.It's a myth that Heaven is a singular place. There are no pearly gates leading to a fluffy sanctuary, no Saint Peter monitoring names and determining if people are allowed inside. Salvation isn't run by a book. There's no Naughty or Nice list, à la Santa Claus.
Also the angels and demons aren't completely traditional. Two of the main characters are brothers—Lucifer, the fallen angel, and Michael, the archangel. Both seem to have good and bad traits. For Michael, following the rules no matter who you hurt is his number one priority. Lucifer prefers to be true to himself no matter which rules get broken in the process. Serah is an angel who finds herself intertwined in the brotherly fight. She has been sent on a mission to Hell to try and bring a cease to the war.

The more Serah learns, the more we see."It's not black and white."
This book kept my attention the entire time. And that ending—WOW. I cannot wait to jump into book 2.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***

FULL REVIEW CAN BE FOUND AT http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com/2014/11/extinguish-by-jm-darhower-review.html