The Complications of T

The Complications of T - Bey Deckard, Starr Waddell
First, I just want to say this cover is gorgeous.

Stuart is lost. Life just isn't panning out quite liked he'd hoped. When he's at a really low point, someone that he totally isn't expecting helps him reevaluate what will make him happy.

Tim is transgender, and although it's easy to focus on him, for me the story is more about Stuart. As far as I know, Stuart has only been attracted to straight women so everything is a new experience for him. Some aspects of the relationship between them were pretty new to me as well; so, I went through the learning process with him.

I'm a fairly open-minded person, but this story made me think about things that I hadn't before. I appreciate that. I also like the fact that the author stepped outside the box that I had unknowingly put him in. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next. ♡

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

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