Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus (Baal's Heart)
4.75 stars
I love this series, and I've missed these men tremendously. For us fans, this novella is the perfect Christmas present.
Just when I think I've seen all the sides the trio has to offer, they show me more. Oh, Tom. I always love Tom. He's as amazing as ever. Jon had me worried for awhile. I've always understood Jon more and loved Tom more. Baltsaros has always scared me a bit. I never quite know what to expect from him. He totally surprised me again. All three men gave me heart pains, but the Captain actually made my eyes start stinging.
The guys and their relationship are a beauty to behold. Careened is a total treat of love and play. I definitely recommend it.
***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
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