Toni FGMAMTC's Reviews > Thirteen Reasons Why

Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher

I was really bored while reading this. I wanted to stop early on, but it has so much hype that I figured it got better. It's definitely aimed at younger readers than me so that may be why it didn't click for me. I've seen a lot online lately about teens or people with mental illness recommended not to read it. I think I get that the author is saying to step in, speak up, your actions have consequences, etc., but I agree some with the ones against it also. It's weird because you hear from the girl constantly and she doesn't seem like someone mentally ill or at the end of her rope. It seems more like a prank to get even, like you expect her not to have really went through with it and be playing a joke or something. I can't make the jump. Also, some of the kids deserved to get into trouble. One at least deserves major consequences, but some were just plain being teenagery and didn't deserve feeling like they caused her death. Seems like a lot of lives ruined just for some drama.